
The series, written and directed by Flo Van Deuren and Kato De Boeck, tells the story of Bibi and Ama, two lesbian girlfriends in their twenties.

Hoping to become a better version of themselves, they move in together at a flat in Brussels. Each in their own way, but under the same roof, they come to new insights: life has no manual, love even less and themselves even less so. The result is an intimate series full of humour and familiarity.

Musically the series is coloured by an exclusive soundtrack and homegrown songs: 7 female or non-binary artists from Belgium were asked to write a song. Among others, Lara Chedraoui & Patrix, Juicy, Miss Angel and Tessa Dixson crept into their musical pen.

Buy the vinyl now via our webshop!


Ensor – Best Music

Ensor – Best Fiction Series

Ensor – Best Screenplay (Fiction Series)