Sonhouse is a sound production agency and platform for sound people.


For Belgians, Bancontact is thé preferred payment method. Together with their agency Kunstmaan, Bancontact renewed its brand identity. A logical step in a quickly evolving industry.

Parallel with this process, Sonhouse was asked to compose Bancontact’s musical identity … and we even included the iconic triple beep into the process.

Score: the sound DNA

The Score is the starting point in creating a sound identity. This soundtrack is the alpha and omega of your sound: it contains all the necessary elements for further derivatives. Our mission? To make a brand sing in a relevant, distinctive, catchy ánd ownable way.

The first result of our Sonic Branding analysis is the Score. In line with their new positioning, Bancontact needed to sound easy-going and familiar, joyful, smart and effortless. Our team even incorporated the physical payment sound: the omnipresent triple beep. That way, we connect the sound identity to the positive auditory trigger of a successful payment in tens of thousands of stores all over Belgium.

Logo: the core of the DNA

The sound Logo that represents the melodic heart, distilled from the Score. Short, particular, recognisable, completely ‘you’.

Consistent Communication Touchpoints

Touchpoints are the various opportunities where customers ‘touch’ the brand. At each and every one of these points, brands should give the customer a consistent experience, reinforcing its identity and fulfilling its promise.

Mozart said “The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between”. Deploying the sound identity consistently makes your brand stronger. But it’s equally important to avoid sound pollution and overload. Sound should be used only when it amplifies an experience.

Learn more about Sonic Branding

Radio Campaign

Next to the Sonic Branding challenge, Sonhouse also tackled radio. Together with Kunstmaan we produced the full campaign of 6 Bancontact ‘Can’t Choose’ radio commercials, in both Dutch and French. You can listen to all of them in our Soundcloud playlist.

Festival Video

A sound identity is alive by definition. The brand’s very own music can be tweaked or adapted easily according to every campaign and Bancontact’s festival themed commercial just begged for a rock interpretation of the Bancontact Score. Hell yeah!

Play video

This case was developed with Kunstmaan.

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