Estée Lauder Companies

Hi team ELC, 

Sonhouse is an award-winning sound production agency specialising in sonic branding.  

We amplify your brand with sound, music, and voice and make the difference by offering sound services from 360° angle.  

Delivering sound, music, and voice for every possible asset in your brand’s communication.

Whenever you communicate, you better use a sound that fits your brand. 

Have a look at some of our work! 

A cheerleader for a plant-based revolution, wonder what Alpro sounds like?

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A brand for a variety of designer jeans, shorts, shirts and more. Experience why Lee has been a popular brand since 1889. Soundtrack by Jean Waterlot.

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SPA sounds authentic and pure without being sad, boring or old-fashioned: a human feel needs to be added.

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Born to go!
Sound by Sonhouse

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Building on the foundation laid by the client in previous years, we have continued to give musical direction to the DVN shops worldwide.

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Wonder what ELC brands sound like?

Julia Weyts –
